A site administrator can allow all device users to start off with the same aXes Mobile menu. To make a standard menu available to multiple users:

In the aXes Mobile app on your device:

  •  Set up your own menus the way you want all users to be set up. (This can include definitions of credentials – the passwords will not be exported.)




Open the Overflow menu:

Go to Edit Mode:




  • Select Export.

A new email is created, and over it a message comes up explaining that the aXes Mobile app has created a menu-export as an attachment to an email:

  • Touch OK, and then finish the email and send it to yourself.
  • On a PC where you are able to save files to a webserver, receive the email.
  • Save the email attachment file (menu-export.dat) to a location all your device users can access with a url, but preferably not somewhere that the general public can access it.
  • For example, if you have a VPN, you could save it to a webserver directory that is only visible when connected to the VPN.
  • Now create a url that points to the menu-export.dat file: http://<<host>>:<<port>>/myDirectory/menu-export.dat

 Email this url to your aXes Mobile app users, with some instructions like this:

1) Start the aXes Mobile app on your device.

2) Open the Overflow menu:

3) Select Import

4) Import from this url:



You can extend this method to make a url that is even simpler for your users to use.

Say you have a url like this:


If you url encode the url it becomes this:



If you embed the encoded url within this:



you get:


You can now email this url to your users, and provided they have installed the aXes Mobile app on their device, they can touch the url in an email, and the aXes Mobile app will automatically do the import.

Note: There are various websites on the internet you can use to url encode your url. To find them, Google "url encode".


Note: When sending to iOS users, the axes:// prefix will be recognised in the email.

If sending the email to android users you need to wrap the url in: <a href=”axes://XXXXX”> axes </a>

This will be recognised by the standard Android email client.

Export Considerations in Detail

When you choose the Export menu option, the current menu will be packaged and attached to an email.

Remember that you will be exporting the menu (including sub-menus) you currently see (that is, if you are in a sub-menu, you will NOT be exporting the whole menu structure from the root).

As previously mentioned, you can assign an Identifier to a menu item. This Identifier will be used to match the menu items during the import process, which allows menu items to be replaced (as opposed to the menu items being added to the menu).

If exported menu items are associated with some credentials, the name and description of the credentials will be exported as well (but not the specific information such as username and password).

In order for a credential to be exportable, an identifier must be assigned to it. If an identifier is not assigned, you won’t be able to export a menu that uses that credential, and you will get an error when you try to export


Import Considerations in Detail

The user importing the menu structure can also indicate if existing menu should be deleted prior to importing the menu:

As with the Export, the Import will import the menu structure into the current menu (the menu you currently see).

As previously mentioned, you can assign an Identifier to a menu item. This Identifier will be used to match the menu items during the import process, which allows menu items to be replaced (as opposed to the menu items keep getting added to the menu).

Credentials will be imported as well. However, they will NOT contain any username or password.

NOTE: re-importing menu will overwrite the credentials, and end-users will need to re-enter username/password after import.

After import, a list of incomplete credentials will be presented to users so they can complete the credentials if they wish to do so.



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