This section describes how to remove aXes from your system. This action cannot be reversed and the user should take a backup of the system before continuing.

In all cases if you have installed the product into a library or directory other than the default you should replace references to library AXES and directory /axes with the appropriate names from your installed environment.

The AXES job queue and AXES output queue are cleared as part of the removal process. If these queues contain jobs or spooled files that you want to keep you should move them to another queue prior to removing the product.

If objects exist in the product library or product directory paths that are not part of the product, including objects created during the installation such as index.html, then the library or directory containing those objects will not be deleted during the removal process. Also the product directory (e.g. /axes) created during the installation might not be deleted. No error message will be sent. You may manually delete the library or directories.

Sign on to your IBM i server

Sign on to your IBM i using a suitably authorized profile. The profile you use must be authorized to the Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM) command and must have *ALLOBJ and *SPLCTL special authority. We recommend you use the QSECOFR user profile to avoid authorization problems.

End the AXES and the AXESJSM subsystems

End the AXES subsystem by entering:

Wait until the subsystems close before proceeding to the next step.

Check for object locks

Ensure that no locks are held on the library AXES. Use the Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) command. For example:

If there are locks, end the jobs or ask users to remove the library from their library list.

Delete aXes base and installed options

Use the Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM) command to delete aXes base and installed options.

If you have multiple version of axes installed and you want to specify which version of aXes to remove

The VxRxMx version of axes you want to remove can be specified in the RLS parameter. To delete the base product and any installed options enter:


If you want to remove all versions of aXes installed

To delete the base product and any installed options enter:


You cannot remove aXes base without also removing all installed options.

Find objects owned by AXES_GROUP and AXES profile

For each of the user profiles AXES_GROUP and AXES, use the Work with Object Owner (WRKOBJOWN) command to list all the objects owned by the profile.

For the AXES_GROUP profile the command is:

For the AXES profile the command is:
You must alter the ownership or delete the objects.

Delete AXES_GROUP and AXES profiles

Delete the AXES_GROUP and AXES user profiles.

For the AXES_GROUP profile the command is:

For the AXES profile the command is:

Delete copies of aXes IFS directories

Delete any copies you may have made of the aXes directories, such as AXES and AXESJSM. Do this using the Edit File (EDTF) command and then use option 9 for the directory.

Alternatively, you can remove the aXes directories by repeated use of the RMVLNK and RMVDIR commands, or by using the QSHELL rm command.


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