DDS Keywords
aXes Terminal Server supports almost all of the available DDS keywords and further aspects of the 5250 data stream that are not exposed via DDS keywords. However, due to various differences in behaviour between a browser-based environment and host emulators some keywords are either not supported or are partially supported.
The following DDS keywords are not supported by aXes Terminal Server. If present in the 5250 data stream they are ignored.
Keyword |
Notes |
ALARM | Ignored |
ALWGPH | Unknown. Should be handled by host |
CNTFLD | Fully supported for SBCS fields. Not supported for DBCS fields. |
CSRINPONLY | Ignored |
CHCACCEL | Ignored |
DSPRL | Ignored |
GRDATR | Ignored |
GRDBOX | Ignored |
GRDCLR | Ignored |
GRDLIN | Ignored |
GRDRCD | Ignored |
MSGALARM | Ignored |
Partially Supported
The following DDS keywords have partial support
Keyword |
Notes |
FRCDTA | Accepted but has no effect |
INVITE | Read from invited devices is supported but cancel invite is not supported |
MOUBTN | Supported however there are some restrictions depending on the pointer device being used. Middle button events will be ignored unless you are using a 3-button pointer device. Double-click events are only available for one button being the normal double-click button for the current pointer device. This is normally the left button unless the pointer device has been configured for left-handed use in which case it will be the right button. |
WDWBORDER | Border attributes and characters ignored because no counterpart exists in HTML windows. |
Break messages
Break messages via the Send Break Message (SNDBRKMSG) command or via setting a message queue in break mode (CHGMSGQ DLVRY(*BREAK)) will not immediately interrupt the client session because the browser does not maintain a permanent connection with the host. Because it is not connected there is no way to inform the browser that a message has broken onto the display screen. The client session will receive the break message on the next interaction with the host.
It is strongly recommended that you don’t use break message in aXes 5250 sessions - especially in RAMP-TS and aXes-Mobile applications.
Using these IBM i CL commands in a user’s IBM i logon program will generally stop all break messages:
Unsolicited data
Unsolicited data is data sent from the host without a prior client request. This includes, but is not limited to, break messages (described above), F19 from Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) or Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT), or applications that issue Cancel Invite then refresh the display.
See Browser Limitations in aXes User Guide for additional information.
Screen Design Aid is not supported under aXes Terminal Server because it embeds attribute bytes in a single full-screen input-capable field. The browser does not allow attribute bytes to be embedded in input fields so aXes Terminal Server cannot support SDA. LANSA recommends that source code editing be performed using client development tools such as WebSphere Development Studio Client.
Note that SEU, RLU, and DFU are supported by aXes Terminal Server.
QSHELL is the Unix interface for IBM i. It is not supported by aXes Terminal Server because it uses Cancel Invite.
QP2TERM is the PASE shell interface for IBM i. It is not supported by aXes Terminal Server because it uses Cancel Invite.