USERENV and Generic Coding
Starting Point
The shipped aXes demonstration screen named XHRRPGTRN_Select is used.
The subfile selection column field is named Sel, and the employee number, Surname, Given Name and Date of Birth columns are named Employee, Surname and Given_Name and Date_of_Birth respectively:
A copy to clipboard push button has been added. When clicked all the subfile entries on the current screen are copied to the clipboard. The copy is achieved by invoking a generic function defined in the USERENV object:
This generic function was added to the USERENV object (this code is a generic version of the code using in the preceding subfile and clipboard example):
- A new aXes developer browser session was started to ensure that the updated USERENV code is loaded.
- A new element was added to the XHRRPGTRN_Select screen as a push button.
- These properties were then set in the push button eXtension:
sendSubfiletoClipBoard : function(oP)
var iSFLIndex = 0;
var iLimit = oP.sendFields.length;
var sClipData = "";
var sTab = "\t";
var sNL = "\n";
var oiterField = null;
iSFLIndex = 1;
oiterField = oP.ENV.FIELDS(oP.iterField,iSFLIndex);
while (oiterField != null)
for (var i = 0; i < iLimit; i++)
var osendField = oP.ENV.FIELDS(oP.sendFields[i],iSFLIndex);
if (osendField != null) sClipData += osendField.getValue() + sTab;
else sClipData += oP.notFound + sTab;
sClipData += sNL;
iSFLIndex += 1;
oiterField = oP.ENV.FIELDS(oP.iterField,iSFLIndex);
if (sClipData != "") window.clipboardData.setData("Text",sClipData);
}, /* <= Note the comma */
caption (simple text):
Copy Subfile to Clipboard
onClick (script)
var oP = { ENV : ENV,
iterField : "Employee",
notFound : "Not found",
sendFields: ["Employee","Surname","Given_Name","Date_of_Birth"] };
The USERENV function sendSubfiletoClipBoard receives an object as a parameter.
The properties within the object parameter are:
- ENV: a reference to the calling scripts ENV execution environment. This allows the generic code to access the callers standard functions, etc.
- iterField: The name of the subfile fields to use to iterate the subfile.
- notFound: The text to be output to the clipboard for a field not found in the subfile.
- sendFields: An array of the names of the subfile fields to be copied to the clipboard.
Using a generic routine like this in USERENV means that it is easier to add a "Copy to Clipboard" button to lots of screens and avoid repeating JavaScript code.